If you think a sleeve is just a sleeve... you may be missing your MoJo...

Use the power in the palm of your hand...

Coffee Cup LM.jpg

It is right there, right in your customers hand. That printed coffee cup sleeve with your logo is a key resource to make your business more successful....

First - the Product Highlights

* As low as $39 a case with logo.
* Can be branded with your own name and logo.
* Available in White or Kraft Sleeve.
* Multiple Ink Color Choices.
* 100% Recycled Stock!
* Takes up minimal storage space.
* Affordable and extremely effective way to advertise.
* Free Set-up and sample.
* Minimum Order Only One Case!!
* 1,000 Sleeves Per Case

How do we do it? As coffee business owners ourselves, we found that there is real power in businesses working together. We established an extremely effective method for coffee establishments to work with other local business to benefit each other. By matching the coffee business on the front of the sleeve and a corresponding business on the back, some real MoJo energy is created. Consider that nearly 70% of coffee heads out the door which could have your a sleeve message that is seen by the customer and 6 other people and has nearly a 65% recall rate. Many independent coffee houses enjoy a loyal following that will go out of their way to support local business, which makes this opportunity very appealing to other local businesses.

But the message is only part of the story. This form of business collaboration creates real interest in the businesses for each other and top of mind word of mouth recommendation - which translates in more business for both businesses. Real MoJo!

Look over the different options we have available for you. Need blank sleeves? Want just your Logo? Your logo and want a business match but there is not one in your area ... yet? Want sleeves with a match? No problem - we have you covered! We are here to help.